Service hours currently 6:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m.
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Combination masthead
(Provider identification)

Combination masthead
(Provider identification)

The provider and thus responsible for the commercial and business-related online offering, is TIMEHOUSE BETREIBER GmbH & Co. KG, represented by the managing director Martin Enax.

Information according to § 2 para. 1 Ordinance on Service Provider’s Duty to Inform (DL-InfoV)

This online offering is information provided by:



Leopoldstraße 204a

80804 München





Telephone +49 89 230 200 00


Domicile of TIMEHOUSE BETREIBER GmbH & Co. KG: 80804 München, Deutschland

Court of jurisdiction München, HRA 102818

Personally liable partner: Martin Enax

Legal form: Limited liability company and limited partnership (GmbH & Co. KG)

Applicable law: Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (BRD)

Tax office München

Sales tax identification number: DE 306 906 010

Authorized representative managing director: Martin Enax



General terms and conditions (AGB):

TIMEHOUSEBETREIBER GmbH & Co. KG has general terms and conditions (AGB):



Responsible Supervisory Authority

Bavarian State Office for Supervision of Data Protection (BayLDA)

Promenade 27, D-91522 Ansbach

Telephone: +49 981 53-1300

Fax +49 981 53-981300



Responsible Chamber

Chamber of Industry and Commerce for München and Oberbayern

Balanstraße 55-59, 81541 München, Deutschland

Telephone +49 89 5116-0

Fax: +49 89 5116-1306





Information about online dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14 para. 1 ODR-VO:

The EU commission makes available a platform for online dispute resolution (OD), which can be found under The OD platform serves as a point of contact for out-of-court settlement of disputes relating to contractual obligations arising from online purchase contracts.

We are neither obliged nor prepared to take part in a dispute resolution process before a consumer conciliation body.



Responsible for journalistic and editorial content pursuant to § 55 paragraph 2 Treaty for Broadcasting and Telecommunications (RStV):

A.P.R., Emanuel Sirch, Galeriestrasse 6 a,80539 München



Technical care of this online offering:

Evernine GmbH und INKCORPORATED GmbH & Co. KG



Conception of this online offering:

INK corporated GmbH & Co. KG

Widenmayerstraße 32, 80538 München

Telephone 089 1678570, E-Mail:



Corporate purpose of TIMEHOUSE BETREIBER GmbH & Co. KG:

Management of own assets and holding interests in other businesses, in particular as personally liable partner and limited partnership.



Price information pursuant to § 4 Ordinance on Service Providers Duty to Inform (DL-InfoV) and Price Indication Regulation (PAngV)

Price information can be obtained from the TIMEHOUSE BETREIBER GmbH & Co. KG online offering.

TIMEHOUSE BETREIBER GmbH & Co. KG is happy to make you an offer on enquiry.




TIMEHOUSE BETREIBER GmbH & Co. KG can at its own discretion and without assumption of liability, change or end this online offering wholly or in part at any time and without notice. By posting a link to third party online offerings (“Hyperlinks”), TIMEHOUSE BETREIBER GmbH & Co. KG does not accept ownership of either the online offering or its contents. Furthermore, TIMEHOUSE BETREIBER GmbH & Co. KG is not responsible for the availability of this online offering or for its contents



© Copyright

All rights are reserved. Text, pictures and graphics, as well as their arrangement in the online offering are subject to copyright protection and other protective legislation. The contents of this online offering may not be copied, disseminated or changed for commercial purposes or made accessible to third parties.



Drink © Jez Timms – unsplash
Pizza © David Nuescheler – unsplash
Wecker © Alex Krivec – unsplash

S-Bahn timetable Munich – Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH (MVG)

Allianz Arena By Richard Bartz, Munich aka Makro Freak (Own work) [CC BY-SA 2.5 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Karlsplatz By Meister Eiskalt derivative work: MagentaGreen [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Residenz Julian Herzog [GFDL ( or CC BY 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Deutsches Museum By Max-k muc (Self-photographed) [CC BY-SA 2.0 de], via Wikimedia Commons

128021524 – Karl Valentin Brunnen in München © Dozey

straßenname-platz-münchen-markt © stux – Pixabay

münchen-englischer-garten-monopteros © designerpoint – Pixabay

oktoberfest-wiesn-münchen-riesenrad © motointermedia – Pixabay

Page “Über uns” – picture couple: nd3000,

Page “Benefits & Partner”– picture coffee: Peopleimages,

picture fitness room: h4ckermodify,

picture Vespa: travnikovstudio,

Page “Long stay” – picture glasses: kieferpix,

Page “Location”– Illustration: Bernadette Prechtl

pictures of rooms: Christian Roth, isar42



Note: General Act on Equal Treatment (GAET)

For the sake of easier reading, no gender-specific distinction is made in this document. The terms used apply, in the context of equal treatment, to both genders.



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Deutsche Datenschutzkanzlei Datenschutz-Office München –

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